Supporting Owners of Manufactured Homes

P.O. Box 427, Kilmore, Vic 3764

Manufactured Home Owners Association Victoria

Selling Your Home

Selling Your Home - Information Sheet S1


Sale of a Part 4A dwelling

The owner of a manufactured home in a land-lease village or caravan park (otherwise known as a site tenant) may sell their home in one of 3 ways:

Selling Your Home - Information Sheet S2


Closure of a Part 4A village

Should the owner of a land-lease village, that comes under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 Part 4A, wish to close the village, there are certain requirements that must be met:

Supporting Owners of Manufactured Homes


We would like to thank and acknowledge Mercy Foundation for their assistance in funding our website

Manufactured Home Owners Association (Vic) Inc

Incorporation Number: A01179410

  • P.O. Box 427, Kilmore, Vic 3764
  • 0431 347 797

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Disclaimer: Information on this website contains general information and opinions of MHOA Victoria. It should not be considered as legal advice or a substitute for legal advice.