Supporting Owners of Manufactured Homes

P.O. Box 427, Kilmore, Vic 3764

Manufactured Home Owners Association Victoria


Legislative Changes to RTA 4A

Submission for Legislative changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 – Part 4A

MHOA is actively seeking changes to the current legislation and formation of a separate Act for land-lease villages and a review and change to the sections of the current legislation which fail to meet the requirements of this housing sector and fail to provide acceptable protection of the rights of the homeowners.

MHOA submits that this housing sector is unique in that the residents in the land-lease villages own their homes outright, with no mortgages permitted, while leasing the land on which the home is sited. This situation places the residents in a sometimes-difficult scenario, where there is an imbalance of power between the land/village owner and the homeowners. It is MHOA’s belief that there needs to be stand-alone legislation for this housing sector, to ensure a more equitable balance of power.

‘One rule fits all’ does not apply with changes in land-lease village structures now including ‘life-style’resorts, with more expensive and up-market facilities that then bring in more complex site agreements, which can be manipulated by the village owners.

With no central registration requirements and no standard site agreements, there is an urgent need for changes to the Act, as current arrangements in these villages are open to many unfair and sometimes illegal rules and behaviours.

Future legislation should be able to move with the growth in this housing sector to ensure it remains a secure and financially viable option for homeowners.

Download The Full Submission

Supporting Owners of Manufactured Homes


We would like to thank and acknowledge Mercy Foundation for their assistance in funding our website

Manufactured Home Owners Association (Vic) Inc

Incorporation Number: A01179410

  • P.O. Box 427, Kilmore, Vic 3764
  • 0431 347 797

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Disclaimer: Information on this website contains general information and opinions of MHOA Victoria. It should not be considered as legal advice or a substitute for legal advice.